Children’s reading: this is how you can teach a child to read with the ‘I want to understand’ campaign, by Unicef ​​and Morat

Luc Williams

Unicef ​​Colombia and the Morat band, through its Aprender a Quererte Foundation, launched the ‘I Want to Understand’ campaign, with the aim of addressing the learning crisis affecting children in Colombia. This initiative seeks to raise awareness about the importance of early literacy and mobilize efforts to improve reading skills in children under 10 years of age.

According to Tanya Chapuisat, representative of Unicef ​​Colombia, the campaign arises in response to an alarming statistic: 6 out of 10 children in Colombia cannot understand a simple text at 10 years of age. This situation not only limits their current opportunities, but also compromises their academic and professional future.

“The initiative is a call for urgency regarding the importance of investing to overcome the learning crisis: if girls and boys learn to read on time, and understand what they read, they will be able to advance in their studies and in their lives, they will be able to read to learn,” says Chapuisat.

How to teach reading?

‘I Want to Understand’ is aimed at all of Colombian society, but it makes a special call to parents, caregivers and teachers to join this cause.

  • First, Those interested can visit the website
  • Second, in the main menu, you will find the option ‘How to help?’
  • Third, in this section, you will find eight ways to help. This platform offers resources and information, such as reading guides, teaching guides and videos, to support reading learning both at home and in the classroom.

Those who wish to join as volunteers can also do so through the same link.

Support material

Among the support material available on the website, you can find:

  • Information for mothers, fathers and/or caregivers.
  • ATAL (Let’s All Learn to Read) resources for mothers, fathers and/or caregivers.
  • Reading stories aloud.
  • Guide to support the reading and writing learning process from home.

“Every member of the community has a crucial role in this mission, from the family and school to economic and political leaders, everyone can contribute to making this problem visible and promoting effective solutions. ‘Quiero entiende’ seeks to help create a country where every boy and girl in Colombia has the opportunity to learn, grow and reach their full potential,” say the members of the Morat band.

For his part, Juan Pablo Aristizábal, representative of the Aprender a Quererte Foundation, points out that the initiative seeks to “create a safe path where every boy and girl in Colombia has the opportunity to learn, grow and reach their full potential.”


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